Sa. Dez 7th, 2024

Following the extreme volatility in cryptocurrencies and the massive financial plunge in 2018 brought a harsh message to several. The value of cryptocurrency had dramatically fluctuated over the course of just two years. In the beginning it was widely believed that cryptocurrencies as a highly volatile market that was rife with uncertainty and speculation. Bitcoin is the very first most popular cryptocurrency that relied in market capitalization. It witnessed a huge increase in 2017, ranging from around $700 to close to $20,000! It achieved a +1,318 percent return that did not include transaction fees, within just 12 months.

Many people joined the cryptocurrency bandwagon and we don’t blame them However, the market was unstable when it increased to huge levels. After that, cryptocurrency received an enormous collapse for the entire year of the year. According to market capitalizations, cryptocurrencies declined from an all-time record of $813 billion, to just $100 billion with the general values hovering around 90%..

When cryptocurrencies begin to move to the south, that doesn’t mean that you have to take out a sale of all of your investments. But, it’s optimal to remain aware of their moves as well as the loss you’re prepared to take on. Everyone wants their money to grow and be profitable however it’s difficult to stay away from risk completely when you invest in the market. These strategies can assist you in protecting your portfolio of crypto against market fluctuations.

Crypto Volatility 101

Traditional finance defines volatility as the measure of the dispersion in the value of an asset. In simple terms, it determines the degree of an asset’s value changes over time. In the cryptocurrency market exhibits volatility because the prices of its assets fluctuate rapidly both up and down on a daily basis. Bitcoin Equaliser is supposedly owned by a group of professional traders with decades of experience in the cryptocurrency market.

Is Volatility Good?

After knowing the market volatility of cryptocurrency it is possible to consider whether this volatility is a positive or a problem. There are two viewpoints you can consider. The first is from the perspective of a trader that considers volatility to be an excellent quality. The person’s tolerance to risk will indicate the degree of volatility that is appropriate. As with risk-averse people, certain individuals prefer investments that are stable and thus, are able to stay clear of high-volatility investments. The crypto traders are typically risk-averse and are likely to be able to easily fall into high-volatility contracts.

On the other hand volatility is not a negative issue or a positive option from the perspective of an investor. Investors aren’t concerned about trading to make a quick profit but rather, they want to preserve their wealth. These are ways to shield your crypto assets from the volatility of markets.

  • Sell Calls

selling calls on your current cryptocurrency could be used to limit losses and, at same time, boost the profits. Selling an option to sell calls can grant the person you choose to buy the option to purchase your cryptocurrency at a particular price on a specific time, and also an immediate increase in exchange.

Let’s take an example. you sell an option to call for an amount of $100 BTC/USDT, at the market price at ( BTC=$100) $250 for 14 days. prices drop to $120 by the expiration date. You will earn an additional profit of $100. You’ll receive the profit by selling the coin option, thereby taking care of a portion of your loss from the decrease in value of your BTC.

The option seller gets the premium and can use it for additional portfolio protection or be used as a payment method.

  • Puts are bought to safeguard your assets

You can purchase puts to hedge your portfolio/position. If you buy put and earn profits, the value of cryptocurrencies decreases in relation to other. Puts grant buyers the ability to sell his cryptocurrency at a set price and on a specific date.

For instance, suppose you bought a put for $10 on BTC/USDT . It has an expiration date below market value (BTCequals 200) which was $180, for a period of 28 days, and then the price drops to $120 by the expiration date. You’ll have earned an income in the amount of $50 ($60-$100) which is five times the amount you paid for.

Puts have a major benefit: losses are not as high The most you’ll lose is the amount that you have paid to purchase the put.

Not everyone has an ideal time to expire or strike. When working with crypto, you should try to set an amount that is in line with your risk-taking capacity and the market’s bias. This will give you solid protection for your portfolio with a fixed price once the strike price has locked-in an amount that is a minimum of the investments in your portfolio.

  • Collar (Buy Put + Sell Call)

The market’s volatility is high, which can make cryptocurrencies costly and put protection typically is more expensive than people would like to spend. The use of a collar can lower the cost of these services significantly.

A collar is made up of two ways for making a collar it is necessary to purchase an option below the market price and then sell calls above market price. Let’s break it down in simple terms. When you purchase an option to put it on the market this protects the asset from risk of a downturn, however you are required to pay a premium immediately. Call options earn you a bonus immediately when you sell a put. If you combine the two options you can use the immediate price of the call option to offset the cost of purchasing the put.

The process of establishing a collar could take only a few dollars or none whatsoever. Before launching a collar you should decide on which option will work for you, as you could be limiting the potential for profit after selling a phone call but lower the cost of protecting yourself even when marketing is rough.

  • Temporarily Exit Volatility

One of the most effective ways of completely escaping fluctuations and safeguarding your investment portfolio in crypto is by trading the more volatile cryptocurrency assets such as Ethereum and Bitcoin to stable coins such as Tether and True USD (TUSD).

In addition, the temporary exit from volatility markets allows you to benefit from the recovery of markets by entering the market at a less cost than the one you left. When the market is recovering and the account will be bigger than it was at first, and without any additional expenses overall and you’ll be in better financial position that you were when you began.

Final Takeaways


These strategies can help safeguard your cryptocurrency portfolio from the volatility of the world of cryptocurrency. Select one that is suitable for you and your level of risk. But, the information presented on this page is for informational only. Make sure you do your own investigation to determine which option would be most suitable for your specific requirements.

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